NZ Visa Problems
Has Your NZ Visa Application Been Declined?
As a NZ immigration lawyer specialising in complex situations, I can help.
Receiving a letter from Immigration New Zealand declining your visa application or raising concerns about it is highly stressful, and you might not know what to do next. Alternatively, your situation might seem so complicated and overwhelming that you don’t know where to even begin your NZ immigration journey.
I represent clients in a range of complex NZ immigration matters – whether they relate to character or health issues, reconsiderations or appeals of declined visa applications, appeals against deportation, or requests to Immigration New Zealand or the Immigration Minister to exercise their discretion and grant a visa.
My experience is such that clients are often referred to me by other immigration advisers when cases become especially complex.
If you’re stuck, I’d love to see how I can help.
Frank and Honest Advice
Every client and case is different, and while some clients have both the will and means to “fight to the very end”, others do not. This can be for a variety of reasons including stress, financial pressures, and low chances of success.
That’s why, before representing you in any request to Immigration New Zealand, the Immigration Minister, or an IPT appeal, I will carefully assess the merits of your case and provide you with a frank and honest view of your chances of success and what it will involve (including the likely costs), so you can make a fully informed decision about whether or not you wish to proceed.
I’m more than happy to have a chat about your situation.
Character Issues
Has Immigration New Zealand raised concerns about your character or declined your visa application on the grounds you do not meet its “good character” requirements?
I can assist by:
Preparing a rigorous response to Immigration New Zealand to address their character concerns and potentially dispute their assessment of your character
Putting together detailed and compelling submissions to Immigration New Zealand requesting them to waive the good character requirement in your case (known as a “character waiver”), so your visa application can continue to be assessed on its merits
Alternatively, if you are an “excluded person” under the Immigration Act 2009 and therefore not eligible to apply for an NZ visa – for example, due to a serious criminal conviction or because you have been removed, deported or excluded from New Zealand or another country – I can assist by preparing and lodging your request for a visa pursuant to a ministerial “special direction”.
Health Issues
In situations where you (or your family members included in your application) are assessed as not meeting the required health standards, I can prepare detailed and compelling submissions to Immigration New Zealand in support of requests for “medical waivers”.
Declined Onshore Temporary Visa Application Reconsiderations
Has your onshore temporary visa application been declined by Immigration New Zealand and you still hold a valid visa?
I can prepare your application to Immigration New Zealand for a reconsideration of its decision to decline your visa application.
Section 61 and Special Direction Requests for people who are in NZ unlawfully
If you are in NZ unlawfully, I prepare and lodge with Immigration New Zealand requests pursuant to Section 61 of the Immigration Act 2009 (known as “Section 61 Requests”) that absolute discretion be exercised in favour of granting you a visa.
I also prepare and lodge Special Direction requests to the Minister of Immigration if a Section 61 Request has been refused by Immigration New Zealand and you continue to remain in New Zealand unlawfully.
Immigration & Protection Tribunal Appeals
I can represent you in appeals to the Immigration & Protection Tribunal (IPT), including:
Appeals in respect of declined Residence visa applications; and
Appeals on humanitarian grounds against liability for deportation.
I also advise about other deportation matters including Requests for Cancellation of Deportation pursuant to Section 177 of the Immigration Act 2009.
Drink Driving and Other Offences
If you have been charged with a driving offence, such as drink driving, careless driving or driving whilst disqualified, I can advise you on the potential impact that a conviction might have on your New Zealand immigration status, your options, and prepare an expert opinion in support of any Section 106 discharge without conviction application to the court.
Representation for Licensed Immigration Advisers
In addition to my services for those seeking an NZ visa, I advise and represent Licensed Immigration Advisers (LIAs) in the following professional matters:
License applications to the Immigration Advisers Authority (IAA) – normally involving advice and assistance to LIAs in preparing their response to issues that have been raised by the IAA in respect of the LIA’s application for a license to practice
Representation of LIAs in respect of complaints to the IAA – I act for LIAs in respect of complaints to the IAA made against them by their clients or former clients
Representation before the Immigration Advisers Complaints & Disciplinary Tribunal (IACDT) – I have successfully represented LIAs in professional disciplinary proceedings before the IACDT